Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Unemployed? It's Just What You Think You Are!

Am I Unemployed, Or Blessed?

Lately, I've been wondering why everything just seems so far from my reach. The days, and weeks I've spent searching for work has now turned to months, and then a year. It will be 2 years in September of this year.

Those looking in from the outside might think, "I thought she is a christian, how come she's yet to find a job?". Even I, have thought the same. Yes, we all go there sometimes, it's just human to do so.

In my time alone with God I've often asked "why?", and "how long, Lord?". And the answer always come in that sweet small voice of my Savior, "Soon my dear, It too SHALL come to pass". Note the emphasis on the "SHALL".

Just then I dawned on me, "Could my time away from full-time employment be God's way of showing me that I have so much hidden in me that I don't know about? I started to look back to the days, weeks, months since I've been 'unemployed', and I found that I have discovered so much about myself that I didn't know.

Count Your Blessings, Name Them One By One

Let's see, in the period I termed "unemployed", I have (by God's special grace) done the following:
  1. I became a writer on, and I'm doing tremendously well. I have written so many articles or hubs (over 115) on subjects that I didn't even think I know anything about. And, those article are now bringing in some income. Hub pages has also been an outlet for sharing God's love with all who will listen. What a great blessing, for someone who is unemployed.
  2. I started working as a substitute teacher in my county. I became quickly aware of the dire need for substitutes, mentors, and encourager in our school system. My role quickly turned from being a substitute to being a mentor and motivator to some of the kids. I became Ms. B, someone they could talk to and confide in. What a rewarding way to spend each day. I plan to go back as soon as school is back in session.
  3. I was able to do more at church and be very present for the things of God.
  4. I became more available, both for my family and neighbors, plus, I've made new friends. 
What a blessing! And God has always provided for my needs. This has taught me that sometimes, I just need to stop looking at what I don't have, and count (my blessings) what I do have.

Maybe you're going through the same situation. You feel that nothing seems to work for you, and you're looking more at your problems than your Provider (Jesus Christ). Right now, I want you to take a pen and writing pad and begin to write the things He hasn't done for you on one side, and then all He's done for you on another side, and compare. Isn't God worthy of our praise? Yes, He Is!

So I leave you with this song - In Christ Alone My Hope Is Found - by Stuart Townend and Keith Getty.

In Christ alone my hope is found.
He is my light, my strength, my song
This Cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All in All
Here in the love of Christ I stand

In Christ alone, who took on flesh
Fullness of God in helpless babe
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones He came to save
‘Til on that cross as Jesus died
The wrath of God was satisfied
For every sin on Him was laid
Here in the death of Christ I live

There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious Day
Up from the grave He rose again
And as He stands in victory
Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me
For I am His and He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ

No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life’s first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
‘til He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand

Go And Be Blessed!

Monday, December 19, 2011

When Change Brings Pain

My family and I have been attending church at a very family oriented church for the past five years. Other than a few pastoral changes (pastors coming and going, due to retirement, change in course etc.), this Church has been a wonderful change for us. We've been blessed through the teachings, the activities, and the friendships of fellow brethren.

One thing that's lacking is the solid foundation of prayer, and intense bible study. Though there are some established bible study groups at individual homes, one that takes place in the morning hours, none of that is geared toward the youth. I know that no church body is perfect, but we wanted more, for our kids.

My husband and I have been extremely blessed to have had very solid biblical teachings background, and a practical prayer life from our old Church, which even though we've tried to instill in our children is not being enforced in the environment that they spend so much time in. So after much prayer and consideration, we felt led to go back to Bethel.  The church where we started from, our old church.

The 'old church' teaches very strong christian principles when it comes to dressing. The believe is that any child of God should be modest, not causing others to stumble through their dressing. The wearing of pants, make-up, and jewelry is not encouraged, it is actually frowned at. It is also their believe that hair covering must be worn in church.

My teenage daughter is the one that's all torn apart right now because of this move. She's not looking forward to doing away with a lot of her skinny jeans, earrings, and the thought of having to wear hats to church.

Is there anything wrong with wearing pants?

Though our relationship with our heavenly father is not defined by our outfit. Once washed in the precious blood of Jesus Christ, we are commanded to be modest in our dressings, covering our nakedness. The bible also states in Deuteronomy 22:5, "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God."

This has been a controversial verse in many churches. How we define what should be worn by a man or a woman is relative, and strictly defined by culture. Men wear berets, so do women. Men wear blazers, so do women, Men wear socks, sweaters, and shawls, so do women. The only distinctive way of telling the difference is often the color or the tailoring of each.

It is best to pray for the Holy Spirit's understanding of this verse. I do believe that there a reason this verse was included in the bible to begin with, and that sometimes the word need to be interpreted literally.

Though the 'old church' tends to focus some on modest dressing, sound biblical teachings, emphasis on holy living, and regular prayer meetings (and all-night prayers), was never lacking. And while our other church believe the same biblical doctrines similar to our old church, we feel that the aspect of corporate prayer, having a designated day where the entire body can come together for prayer, and emphasis on holy living is lacking.

With that said, I also believe that if we choose to be a part of a believing church body, we are to do whatever is humanly possible, not to be a stumbling block in the life of those other believers. The outfit should not cause us to lose sight of what's important. And that is, maintaining a healthy relationship with our fellow believers. And keeping our focus on heaven.

This move will definitely bring some pain. Relationships that has been built over the years risk fizzling away, or been lost. You know what they say, "out of sight, is out of mind". But knowing that our children are going to have the opportunity to grow in grace, in their prayer life, and in the knowledge of our savior and Lord, that makes it all worth it.

It shall be well.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

He Orders Our Steps And Directs Our Ways

This week I was given the opportunity to be sign up for a job assignment that will occupy me from Tuesday through Friday. This was Monday, while I was working on a separate assignment. As I pondered how to response, "wonderful, sure, why not!", something in me was quietly saying, "Easy, not Wednesday. Say no to the Wednesday". Just shortly (few seconds, maybe) after, I find myself saying, "I'll take the Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, but not the Wednesday".

I can't believe I just said "NO" to an opportunity to work a full week. Isn't that what I've wanted, to work the entire days of the last week before the holiday break?. I asked myself over and over again, and I even started to beat myself up for it. I wanted to go back and say, "I'll take the Wednesday too", but the assigning manager came over to inform me that they found someone to take the Wednesday slot and then she thanked me for working with them on the assigned schedules.

Well, I got home Tuesday night from work, and my older son, who is in high school, wanted me to know that I'll need to pick him up from school earlier that Wednesday, that is, the Wednesday that I wasn't scheduled to work. Why?, I asked him.

You see, it's final exam week, and he'd only have one exam on that Wednesday. That would be in the early morning. Most students will be in and out since many (including my son) have exempted some of their finals. The school is encouraging that students be picked up after their exams so as to discourage them from roaming around an almost empty school and hallways.

My other son, who six, and in first grade has a school party on that Thursday, which I completely forgot. To play our part, there are some things that I needed to get for the party. And then, there was this problem I've been having with my truck, and some other minor things that I've been putting off.

If I didn't have this Wednesday to myself, I wouldn't have been able to pick my son up from school, shop for my other son's Christmas party, fix my truck, take a break enough to realise what God is doing all around me.

It didn't seem so at first, but I believe that God has a hand in this. He that holds the future in the palm of His hands. My helper and my Lord directs my paths, and orders my steps. He made it possible to write this post too, because I did it on that Wednesday.

The steps of the righteous man are ordered by the Lord. Psalms 37:23

Maybe you find yourself struggling with a decision you've made or need to make. Know this, if you are a believer, be rest assured that though you may not know what lies ahead, but if you will just trust that Christ's got your back, that He knows what you may not know, and He sees what you can't see, then it shall be well with you.

Only trust Him. For "...He he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold (Job 23:10). God Almighty will direct your path. Just trust Him.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

When God Speaks...

Have you found that lately our God has been speaking to us in most every media?

I have. It's not a coincidence that lately I've been hearing Gods word in almost every way possible. It may take a different theme, atmosphere, venue, or vessel, but God has been speaking. And I sure do hope you've been listening.

It is not uncommon to hear preachers, pastors speak on the same subject especially at such a time like this, with the holidays and all. But was I find intriguing is when the the same word or message comes through an unexpected source, the secular media, families or neighbors who are not believers. That's when we, as believers need to start paying attention.

The bible declares that, "In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established." (Mat 18:16). So when you begin to hear the same message coming to you again, and again. It is time to pause, and be still.

May we be sensitive to God's holy spirit enough to hear...When God Speaks.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

I Will Watch and Pray

It's usually in the middle of the night. I get this nudge to get out of bed and pray. If I ignore it and fall back to sleep, it weighs really heavy on me the next day. So heavy it feels like a ton of brick right there on my chest.

'What was it that couldn't wait till daybreak?' or 'Who was it that God wanted me to pray about?' These were questions that I pondered in my heart. If only I had stayed up a little bit longer. The answer usually comes a day or so after. There it is! That's who God wanted me to pray for! A friend in desperate need of strength and encouragement, or family member that was very sick and near death.

As believers, we've been called to bear one anothers burden, even in the middle of the night. God had summoned me to stand in the gap, but I loved my sleep too much to be bothered. I prayed, 'Dear Lord, help me. I know I can pray. Please don't give up on me.  You can count on me.'

Soldiers of Emmanuel, the call has gone forth, "Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh"(Matthew 25:13). God's Words translation of the same verse says"So stay awake, because you don't know the day or the hour".

People of God, let us awake from our slumber. It is my heart cry that I'll be sensitive to His voice, that you will be sensitive to his voice, whether in the day or night.

I still get those nudge in the middle of the night, and by His grace I get up and pray as His spirit leads, even if it's just for a minute. God is not looking for men who CAN pray, He is looking for men who WILL pray.